RSA Courses

An Online RSA is a must if you want to work in any licensed venue that sells or serves alcohol in SA, WA, NT, QLD, or VIC. These courses cover everything you need to know about the responsible service of alcohol.

The RSA Online helps to create a safe and enjoyable environment for both customers and staff. It also promotes responsible drinking habits and reduces the harm caused by alcohol. RSA Courses are available online with CFT, and they usually take around four hours to complete.

Trusted by big brands. by 200,000+ students and businesses around Australia.

RSA Courses Available


RSA Online

RSA – Online

- $49 -

RSA Courses 3

RSA – Melbourne & Victoria

- $49 -

Which RSA Course Should You Choose?

RSA Online - this is suitable for South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territories, and Queensland only, with the skills and certification transferable across these states and territories

RSA Melbourne & Victoria is specific to Victoria only.

Select Your RSA Course By State:

Please note that for all states apart from Victoria the course required is the same, and the skills and certification are transferable across states and territories. The course pages shown here offer local information about RSA courses where it's relevant.

RSA Courses 7

RSA Tasmania

- $49 -

RSA Online

RSA – Online

- $49 -

RSA Courses 13

RSA SA & Adelaide

- $49 -

RSA Courses 17


- $49 -

RSA Courses 21

RSA QLD & Brisbane

- $49 -

RSA Courses 25

RSA- WA & Perth

- $49 -

RSA Courses 29

RSA – Melbourne & Victoria

- $49 -

Why Study An RSA Course?

Our comprehensive RSA training program covers legal compliance, risk assessment, communication skills, refusal techniques, underage drinking prevention, intoxication levels, and alcohol content knowledge.

By registering for an RSA course, you not only fulfil legal obligations but also uphold a moral duty to ensure customer safety.

In case you're not yet convinced about an RSA course, here are some more reasons!


1) Personal Benefits of RSA

RSA training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to effectively handle challenging situations related to alcohol service.

As a result, trained individuals often experience increased confidence in their abilities to manage such scenarios, both within their professional roles and in other areas of life.

Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of RSA training, as it involves interacting with patrons, colleagues, and authorities in a professional and respectful manner.

By honing their communication skills during training, individuals can apply these skills to enhance their interpersonal relationships and communication in personal and professional settings.

RSA training instils a sense of responsibility and accountability in individuals regarding the safe service of alcohol.

This heightened awareness of responsible behaviour can extend beyond the workplace, leading individuals to make more informed and responsible decisions in their personal lives.

Dealing with intoxicated patrons or managing potentially confrontational situations requires quick thinking and effective problem-solving skills.

Through RSA training, individuals develop the ability to assess situations, make informed decisions, and resolve conflicts, skills that are valuable not only in the workplace but also in everyday life.

RSA training provides valuable insights into the potential risks and consequences of alcohol misuse, including health implications and legal ramifications.

This increased awareness of health and safety issues surrounding alcohol consumption can motivate individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices and encourage responsible drinking habits among themselves and others.

Obtaining RSA certification opens up opportunities for career advancement and professional development within the hospitality industry.

Individuals with RSA training may qualify for a wider range of job opportunities and positions that require responsible alcohol service certification, thereby enhancing their career prospects and potential for growth.

Knowing that they play a crucial role in promoting responsible alcohol service and contributing to a safer community can provide individuals with a sense of personal fulfilment and pride in their work.

This satisfaction derived from making a positive impact on others' well-being can be personally rewarding and fulfilling.

2) Community & Business Benefits of RSA

RSA training ensures compliance with laws and regulations related to the service of alcohol, reducing the risk of legal consequences such as fines or license suspensions.

Trained staff can identify and mitigate risks associated with alcohol service, including over consumption, underage drinking, and intoxication, thereby promoting a safer environment.

By promoting responsible alcohol service practices, RSA-trained staff contribute to a positive and enjoyable experience for patrons, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

RSA training equips staff with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage challenging situations, reducing the liability of licensed venues in the event of alcohol-related incidents.

By preventing alcohol-related harm and promoting responsible drinking habits, RSA-trained staff contribute to the well-being of the local community, fostering a healthier and safer social environment.

3) Prevalence of Alcohol-Related Issues

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, over one in four adults exceeded the Australian Adult Alcohol Guideline in 2022, with young adults aged 18–24 years exhibiting a particularly high rate of exceeding the guideline.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that alcohol contributes to thousands of hospitalisations and fatalities annually, spanning from physical injuries to anti-social behaviour and domestic disturbances.

Excessive alcohol consumption over time can contribute to the onset of chronic diseases and various serious health issues, such as:

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
  • Digestive disorders
  • Breast, mouth, throat, oesophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum cancers.

4) The Crucial Role of RSA Training

RSA training equips alcohol servers with the skills to prevent over consumption and intoxication, thereby mitigating potential physical harm and violence.

By enforcing age restrictions, RSA ensures that alcoholic beverages are not served to individuals under 18, safeguarding them from the adverse effects of alcohol.

RSA compliance helps businesses avoid legal consequences such as fines, license suspensions, or imprisonment.

Responsible alcohol service not only upholds legal obligations but also safeguards the reputation of hospitality businesses, fostering consumer trust and loyalty.

5) Promoting Behavioural Changes

RSA training is a mandatory requirement for all individuals involved in alcohol service in Australia. Our RSA training covers various topics, including identifying and refusing service to intoxicated patrons, understanding alcohol effects, and legal obligations.

Training focuses on identifying early signs of intoxication, enabling proactive steps to protect individuals and maintain a safe environment.

RSA training provides servers with the essential skills to identify early signs of intoxication in patrons.

This includes recognising physical and behavioural cues such as slurred speech, unsteady movements, bloodshot eyes, and aggressive behaviour.

By being vigilant and observant, trained servers can detect signs of intoxication at its onset, allowing them to take proactive measures to prevent further alcohol service to affected individuals.

Prompt identification of intoxication helps maintain a safe and controlled environment within licensed premises, reducing the risk of alcohol-related incidents and ensuring the well-being of patrons and staff alike.

Servers are trained to recognise situations requiring service refusal and handle them diplomatically, minimising conflict while ensuring safety.

One of the key components of RSA training is equipping servers with the knowledge and techniques to effectively refuse service when necessary.

Servers undergo comprehensive training on recognising situations that warrant service refusal, such as when patrons display signs of intoxication or are underage.

Additionally, servers are trained in handling these situations diplomatically and professionally, minimising conflict while prioritising the safety of all individuals involved.

By confidently and respectfully refusing service, trained servers uphold legal obligations, mitigate potential risks, and contribute to a responsible drinking environment within licensed venues.

RSA advocates for practices such as encouraging water intake, offering food, and promoting safer transportation options, mitigating alcohol-related risks.

Servers are encouraged to advocate for practices such as encouraging patrons to drink water or non-alcoholic beverages between alcoholic drinks to stay hydrated and pace themselves.

Offering food options not only enhances the overall dining experience but also helps slow down alcohol absorption, reducing the likelihood of intoxication.

Furthermore, trained servers promote safer transportation options to patrons, such as designated driver programs or ride-sharing services, to prevent incidents related to drink driving.

By actively promoting these safe drinking practices, RSA-trained servers play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and safety of patrons, contributing to a positive and responsible drinking environment within licensed premises.

Why Choose CFT For Your RSA Training?

Big enough to care

Big enough to be the best, small enough to care

We have spent over 25 years growing CFT into one of the leading providers of Food Safety and RSA certificates online whilst still keeping true to our roots as being a family run RTO that cares about our students.


Fun and easy to follow training materials

You can complete your online training course in the privacy of your own home. It's easy and fun with our interactive e-learning content that lets you learn at whatever pace works best for you!


Training you can trust 

When you study with us, you can be sure that you are choosing training that you can trust.

  • No surprise fees or costs
  • No hidden extras
  • Instant enrolment and course start

Learn from

Study on the go with CFT International! As long as you have an internet connection you can study wherever you learn the best!

Learn from anywhere

Our History Speaks For Itself!


Years in Business

We were the first college to offer in-classroom Food Safety Training.


Years Online

We were the first Australian college to offer Food Safety Training online! 


Students Trained

around Australia in Food Safety and RSA courses.

Learn more about CFT and where we started

The Highest Standards

Our courses are all Nationally Recognised Training courses so you can be sure you're getting a recognised qualification. So why not enrol today and get started on your way to becoming qualified to serve alcohol responsibly.

Trusted by 200,000+ students and businesses around Australia

Retail Food Group
Donut King
Bakers Delight

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Real Stories from

Previous Students

Hats off to CFT International, got my RSA in a day without any dramas or spending heaps of hours working through training modules whilst had a tough time with another company which is into dubious practices, assessments questions were not clear, took almost 1.5 days to get through confusing study material and felt they deliberately fail you to make more money. Didn’t check on reviews for this other company otherwise would have stayed away because of bad reviews.

Priya Jose

I completed the online RSA course through this company. I’d definitely recommend! It was quick and simple to follow, and support team was very responsive.

Sol Luna

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